

December 13, 2023

Happy Holidays from the Stroller Lab!

We hope everyone has a wonderful winter! Our lab had a great time celebrating each other and relaxing after a busy fall semester. We hope you enjoy winter break!

October 01, 2023

Welcome Brian!

We're excited to welcome Brian Rivera to the Stroller team! Brian is a site coordinator on the Baby's First Years project at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is joining us to provide his expertise on the Baby's First Years project, help train our team on EEG methodology and analyses, and set up our R00 grant. 

September 23, 2023

Volunteering at Saturday Science!

Columbia University Neuroscience Outreach (CUNO) hosts Saturday Science, which are fun activity fairs for children to learn more about the brain through hands-on activities. Haleigh Brown, a graduate student in the lab, volunteers with CUNO and helped at their September Saturday Science event.

Active Research Projects

Building Understanding of Developmental Differences across Years (BUDDY)

A growing body of research has found socioeconomic disparities in children's language and memory development in early childhood. The BUDDY Study first followed approximately 200 children through the first three years of their life understand how brain function, language, and memory develops during this important period. The second phase of the BUDDY Study will follow these children until age 4.5.

Development of Cognitive Control Strategy Use

Throughout the first decade of life, children become increasingly adept at planning ahead for and complete goals.  The ability to manage activational and motivational resources in order to complete a goal is known as Cognitive Control.  The Development of Cognitive Control Project aims to understand why children elect to use different cognitive control strategies to prepare for the same goal.  To better understand the use of cognitive control strategies, I examine behavioral performance, brain activity (EEG), and executive functioning (a grouping of cognitive skills utilized in go

Recent Publication